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The Moving Check-List


Summer brings home sales and purchases, and with both come the exciting challenge of making a move. We know how overwhelming it feels to sell and/or buy a home, and suddenly be facing down room after room of belongings. We wish we could find a Mary Poppins kind of way to snap your fingers and have all your items boxed up and ready to go. Since we haven’t yet, we put together the moving check-list to help aid you in all your moving preparation.

Sort and purge — To start, go through each room in your house and decide what you’d like to keep and what you can get rid of.

Organize school records — To save future hassle and headache, arrange for your children’s records to be transferred to their new school district before you move from one home to the next. (This also applies medical records — if you are moving states or multiple counties, have your medical records faxed to your new doctor before you move to save time and future hassles.)

Love it or leave it — If you don’t plan to pack it, use it up! This goes for perishable items, cleaning supplies, and anything else you need to rid yourself of (if you don’t use it, pass it on to neighbors or friends!)

Pre-measure — Know the room dimensions at your new home beforehand, so you can consider how to best move the larger furniture items into the home (via front door, garage, or side doors).

Mover Time — Research local moving companies and get quotes. Have them lined up well in advance of the date, and make sure you ask any and all questions you think of — remember there are no stupid questions! If you don’t ask, you won’t know.

Begin — Start with items least used, and rooms you frequent least. Move inward to closets and bedrooms and finally the kitchen. Leave behind necessities and pack those up last.

Separate valuables — Add important items like jewelry and key files to a safe box that you’ll personally transport to your new home.

Take inventory — It’s better to be safe than sorry! Make a list of the inventory you are loading up. Before the movers leave, check that all inventory has made it from the old house to the new.


Remember, moving is a great adventure. It can be daunting, but a little preparation goes a long way!

Are you in the market for a fantastic Nashville home? We’d love to help! Give us a call or drop us a line today.

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