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Selling Your Home: Here’s Why Great Photos Matter


When selling a home, having high-quality pictures to accompany its listing is potentially the most important aspect of the sales process. Today’s typical home buyer is spending more time searching online listings than they are driving around town looking for real estate signs.

When it comes to selling your home: here’s why great photos matter:

Stellar Photos Make an Online Listing

While it’s easy to see the charm of a home in person, poor quality photos can make a well-kept property look lackluster. Photographs are the first thing most potential buyers look at when they are searching real estate listings online. Before considering other listing information, including agent descriptions, buyers consider how a home looks.

If a listing has poorly lit, small or otherwise low-quality photos, buyer attention is lost and they often move on to the next listing. Worse still, listings with no photos at all might not even be considered by a potential buyer. Many choose to filter out listings that do not contain pictures altogether.

Using the Proper Equipment

Everyone has a camera in their phone these days. With the rise of smartphones, many agents are taking it upon themselves to use their mobile devices as all-in-one listing machines. While a phone’s camera may be great for emailing off quick pictures to a buyer who is already interested, the first images they see should be pro-quality.

If an agent doesn’t have great camera equipment at their disposal, it is a good idea to hire a professional photographer with real estate photography experience. This may seem like a large added expense, but professionally photographed homes get more attention from potential buyers online and ultimately sell faster.

Making a Great First Impression

The era of fresh-baked cookies and meticulous staging on open house days are long gone in most real estate markets. However, presentation is still important on photo shoot day. A property should be clean and free of clutter both inside and outside on the big day.

Keeping the Home Fresh in a Potential Buyer’s Mind

Even after viewing a property in person, potential buyers will often reference back to online listings to make their final decision. High quality photos catch a buyer’s attention and might just be the final hook to push through a sale.


Are you getting ready to list your Nashville home? Our award-winning real estate agents are here to help. Give DeSelms Real Estate a call at 615-550-5565.

One Response to “Selling Your Home: Here’s Why Great Photos Matter”

  • I think you are right about how the better image, the better the memory. I need to get a photographer to take pictures for my sister’s wedding. She is getting married in July and wants photos at sunset.

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