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REALTOR Tips: Balancing Work And Life

Image: Pixabay

Becoming a successful REALTOR can be tough. After all it takes hard work, extra hustle and a lot of dedication to reach real estate goals.  REALTORs don’t work set hours, need to be easily accessible and definitely don’t experience the traditional weekend. With such daunting aspects of the job, how do REALTORs go about balancing work and life? Is it even possible? The answer is yes, and here are our tips for keeping life sane as a REALTOR. 

Create a plan

Successful REALTORs have plans. They set goals and develop strategies to reach them. This allows an agent to factor in how much time is needed for networking, prospecting, marketing and meeting with clients. Once long-term goals are set, create a daily to-do list that will allow you to set  each day with intentional activity.

Create a schedule

It’s always good to ask clients if they can meet during regular business hours. Obviously, they might not, but you might be surprised by how many people are able to do it. One of the trickier aspects with real estate is that some weeks might be booked solid and others slower. Take your schedule week by week, but be sure that you block out personal/family time. Forgetting to prioritize your own downtime will cause unnecessary burnout.

Learn to “turn off”

It seems impossible to turn off phones and screens these days. However, successful REALTORs find ways to put down the phones during client meetings as well as scheduled family time. It’s also really important to resist the temptation to check your devices right before falling asleep and when first waking up. These are opportunities to recharge so learn to use and appreciate them. It will keep you passionate about your career.

Use a team

Naturally, more work gets done when tasks are split among multiple people. At DeSelms Real Estate we have a team that includes listing listing and closing coordinators and marketing specialists. This frees up agents to focus on prospecting and meeting with clients.

Would you like more information on how the DeSelms Real Estate team can help you with balancing work and life? Call us today at 615.550.5565 and see what a career with us is like!

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