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What It Means To Be A DeSelms Real Estate Agent


If you’ve ever considered entering a career in real estate, we hope you’ve been reading our tips on leads, clients and becoming an expert. Want to know more about what it’s like to be part of our award winning team? Read on to see what it means to be a DeSelms Real Estate agent. 

We also suggest watching this video to hear it from our own agents!

You are part of a team

Team work is a huge part of DeSelms Real Estate. Being part of a team here means access to educational resources such as our bootcamps – geared toward both new and established agents. Our team also has experienced agents willing to help new agents, providing invaluable insight and tips new agents need. No team would be a success without great leadership. At DeSelms Real Estate, both Terry and Tara work with agents to help you set and achieve goals and they are always available for guidance!

Support staff

The incredible help of a strong support staff is a huge benefit for agents. From day one, a DeSelms Real Estate agent receives help with paperwork, marketing and other essential daily tasks. This allows agents the ability to be front and center for clients and connections, rather than behind a computer. This also means DeSelms Real Estate agents can achieve a work/life balance, which is crucial to prevent burn-out.

Track record of success

Obviously, aligning with a strong team helps separate DeSelms Real Estate agents from the crowd. DeSelms Real Estate has a long track record of success. Our company was the first billion dollar team in Tennessee and is consistently ranked in the top 20 nationally.

The success of DeSelms Real Estate stems from a strong company culture of teamwork, leadership and support. It’s truly an incredible place to start your real estate career or to take it to the next level. If you’d like more information on how to make that happen, call us today at 615.550.5565!!



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