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5 Ways To Improve Your Home Before Selling

The real estate market is a very competitive one, and it’s not at all uncommon for a home to sit on the market for months or even years before a seller becomes interested. Because of the competitive nature of this market, it is vital that you put some improvements into your home in order to make it stand out from the crowd. Not only can this help to bring in more potential buyers, but it can also help you to sell the house for more money.

Here are 5 ways to improve your home before selling:

Source: Pixabay
Source: Pixabay

1. Service or Install New Indoor Systems

Indoor systems within your home can include anything from new plumbing pipes, a brand new HVAC system or even a new intercom system that is attractive to new buyers. Potential buyers like to know that these things are in good working condition before they invest their money into a new house.

2. New Outdoor Additions

Improving the look of your home on the outside can make a huge difference when your home is concerned. For example, adding new siding or paint to the exterior of your home or replacing the windows entirely may be quite a hefty investment up front, but it can help to sell the home more quickly.

3. Add Landscaping

Curb appeal is huge for bringing in new buyers to your home. If your landscape is dry, barren and needs a bit of tender loving care, be sure to improve it with either professional or DIY landscaping techniques. Even something as simple as putting down some grass seed to fill in bald spots can make a world of difference.

4. Add a Bathroom

If your home currently has one or two bathrooms, potential buyers may be looking for more. Buyers have been found to put more emphasis on the bathrooms of a home as compared to the kitchen in the house, so extra attention needs to be put into this area. If you only have one bathroom, consider adding in another one to greatly increase interest and real estate value.

5. Finish the Basement

Buyers want to make use of every bit of space within their new home, and an unfinished basement is just ugly and undesirable to them. Finishing up the basement can bring about more money and more interest in general.

By making these types of improvements to your home, you may find that the house both sells more quickly and for a higher price. Whenever you’re putting improvements into a home that you’ll be selling, make sure that what you’re doing is going to pay for itself in the long run and not just cost you additional money that has no reason or rhyme to it.

If you’re in the market to sell or buy a terrific Nashville home, we’re here to help. Give DeSelms Real Estate a call today  at 615.550.5565!

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