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5 Signs You Will Have Great Neighbors

Source: Pixabay
Source: Pixabay

Home buyers searching for the perfect home can generally knock out a priority list of the must-have features and necessities for their dream home. However, there’s one item that could be on the list that no home buyer can know for certain until moving in – having great neighbors. It can take weeks, even months to even meet all of your neighbors and longer to know them well. Though it may be much later before you can officially confirm it, here are 5 immediate signs you will have great neighbors.

  1. They wave/smile/make eye contact – Hey, everybody is busy these days. Which means when you enter a neighborhood full of smiles, waves and eye contact it can feel incredibly welcoming. You don’t have to know everyone’s name, but you do get the sense everyone is friendly.
  2. They introduce themselves –  The days of neighbors coming over with dinner and cookies to meet the newcomers may be gone. That doesn’t mean that people don’t walk over and introduce themselves anymore. Great neighbors still drop by to shake hands and say hello to new homeowners. Why? Because…
  3. They take pride in the community – Great neighbors are proud to live where they live. That means they help keep the neighborhood safe, clean, and reputable. What does that look like? They keep up with home and yard maintenance, they keep common areas clean, they keep an eye on their pets and clean up after themselves.
  4. They do things together – There is no rule anywhere that says people have to hang out with their neighbors. However, in the best areas they do. Enjoying meals, playing games and spending time together is part of finding deep relationships within a neighborhood. So, if you get invited to a neighborhood event right away, it’s a good sign you’ve got great neighbors.
  5. They help out  Having an extra set of hands, ears or eyes to help with the house, kids and pets can be a huge relief. Though you may not want to trust someone initially, if they offer it’s a positive indicator you’re in the right place. Anyone who stops by and offers to help a new homeowner – unpack, move things, get referrals for home repairs – is a great neighbor. This can feel foreign at first, but can quickly become one of the best parts of living in a close-knit community.

Want to know an easy way to find out if you can expect great neighbors in your next Nashville home? Or prefer to keep your neighbors at a distance? Talk to a real estate agent! An agent can help give you the inside scoop on communities, areas and neighborhoods to help you find the perfect one. Call DeSelms Real Estate today if you want more information on neighborhoods in Nashville! Office – 615.550.5565

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